“Know that the philosopher has power over the stars, and not the stars over him.”
I've got used to being treated like a social pariah in the streets,
and have stopped opening my mail or answering the phone.
It seems everyone was really rooting for my machine to work, and when it didn't they all went a bit mad for a while.
Still, I'm sure (or I hope!) that that will wear off in a while.
Some new fad or controversy will come along, and the herd will run off down the road after it.
That's what always happens.
I just wish my Mum would believe that, too...
And so our story would have ended,
had it not been for one final, dramatic episode in the curious life of Derek Crankshaft.
Many believed- as I still do- that this guy was in no way a fraud or a publicity seeker,
but just maybe a bit eccentric.
I'm convinced he really believed his invention would work-
and to that end, he tweeked and shook that box, and tried everything he could think of.
He read and wrote equations for days at a time without sleep (drinking no small amount of cheap energy drinks!).
Finally, he was sure he had found the solution!
So, he called the local radio station, set up a video camera, hooked up his machine to the power supply, stepped inside the room and..........................
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