“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
R. Buckminster-Fuller
Year dot; the very beginning.
A wise or foolish person once said that the difference between a story and plain old reality,
is that as story has a beginning, a middle and an end.
The Multiverse itself doesn't make such distinctions...
To give chaos some order, and to make meaning where there may be none,
we'll discuss the events surrounding Derek Crankshaft as a story;
which means that we'll need to start (and eventually end) somewhere....
It was a hot, sticky day in the hot, sticky part of the world where Derek lived.
He was rather used to this weather, but the visiting Japanese professors were having a real hard time,
and their distraction and desire to get things over and done with, was working to Derek's advantage.
Which, of course, made him happy!
The Japanese, like most observers, were immediately split into two camps when it came to commenting on Derek's 'invention'.
The first camp was the more traditionalist, establishment group of scientists-
who scoffed, mocked and said the idea couldn't work.
The second group; the mavericks, the dreamers, treated Derek politely and with encouragement-
and said the idea couldn't work...
Hikito Murashuri, Delegate for Japanese Scientific Council-
(Translated by Kemlyn Munn)
'We had learnt of this Derek Crankshaft, through our Secret Intelligence Agency.
He had been offering to sell his machine to the highest bidder- and we thought it would at least be worth a look.
How wrong could we have been!
As most of you will know by now,
Mr.Crankshaft was a small-scale wood sculptor and tree surgeon,
who practiced a pagan system known as 'Wicca', during his free time.
According to Mr.Crankshaft's story, he had been practicing some form of sex magic, involving harnessing 'kundalini' energies, and directing these along what he referred to as 'ley lines'
(a form of geomancy which the Japanese ourselves long ago discarded (sensibly), for the more valuable enterprises of modern science and technology.)
Crankshaft claims that during the ceremony he performed, he was visited by a version of himself, who had travelled from another dimension with the express purpose of giving the 'real' Derek the blueprints for a (quote) '...space and time tunnel opening box'.
It is evident from what I have said already, that this guy (if you excuse the pun) was indeed a 'Crank'! LOL
Independant sources had however confirmed some unusual and interesting effects recorded around the time of- and in the same area as- Mr.Crankshaft's test runs,
and so seeing nothing to lose, we decided to at least have a look for ourselves....'
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